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How Therapy for Yourself Alone Can Save a Marriage Or Improve a Relationship

How Therapy for Yourself Alone Can Save a Marriage Or Improve a Relationship 1671 1136 Long Island Counseling Services

When a marriage is struggling and the couple wants to try to find ways to heal, they traditionally look at couples counseling. Couples counseling is one of the most effective solutions we have to help two people communicate more effectively and learn to love each other more strongly, and so it is natural to want to use couples counseling when you find that your relationship is struggling. But many people find that the real solution…

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What Stands in the Way of Social Connections After Retirement (and What Can Be Done About It?)

What Stands in the Way of Social Connections After Retirement (and What Can Be Done About It?) 2560 1708 Long Island Counseling Services

Studies have consistently shown that our happiness, health, and longevity is directly related to the social connections that we have. We are more likely to live longer and in better mental health when we have people that we feel connected to – people that we can spend time with, laugh with, and make us feel like we’re part of a community. Many people find that that changes after retirement. Retirement is already a major life…

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Therapist for Doctors, Nurses, and Surgeons on Long Island

Therapist for Doctors, Nurses, and Surgeons on Long Island 1344 2016 Long Island Counseling Services

Long Island Counseling Services Offers Counseling and Support for Those in the Medical Profession with High Stress Careers Most jobs are stressful. The very act of working – waking up every day, logging on or heading somewhere else to work for 8+ hours all while dealing with the needs of the profession all day can, perhaps unsurprisingly, cause a considerable amount of stress that takes its toll on our mental health. When we work in…

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Can You Develop ADHD As An Adult?

Can You Develop ADHD As An Adult? 1804 1203 Long Island Counseling Services

The term “ADHD” is one that has become a casual part of the American lexicon. Most of us are at least mildly familiar with it, with the understanding that people with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) struggle with issues like focus and attention. Although not entirely accurate, ADHD is often seen as a childhood disorder, one that people experience when they’re young and possibly grow out of as adults. But the symptoms of ADHD, such as…

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The Benefits of Couples Counseling on Kids After a Divorce

The Benefits of Couples Counseling on Kids After a Divorce 2208 1473 Long Island Counseling Services

Divorce can be a challenging and emotionally taxing experience for everyone involved, and typically occurs because couples are feeling very high emotions. Most of us also recognize that divorce can have a profound effect on children. But while we know this instinctually, we do not always recognize that there are ways that both partners can reduce this effect. At Long Island Counseling Services, we provide couples counseling for those in any state of a relationship,…

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Can You Treat Mental Health Without a Diagnosis?

Can You Treat Mental Health Without a Diagnosis? 1800 1200 Long Island Counseling Services

If you are reading this blog post, you’re probably familiar with the term “anxiety” or “depression.” You may have also heard of more specific conditions like “social anxiety disorder” or “bipolar disorder.” These all refer to diagnoses that a clinician may make. Much like any medical treatment, those in the field of psychology use diagnosis to drive treatment and define challenges. But do you NEED to have a diagnosis in order to get psychological care?…

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What Approaches Can We Take to Address Difficult to Treat Depression Without Medication?

What Approaches Can We Take to Address Difficult to Treat Depression Without Medication? 2000 1333 Long Island Counseling Services

Therapy is one of the most effective tools we have to treat depression. Through therapy and counseling, patients can learn coping strategies, recognize and stop their own negative thought patterns, learn ways to self-motivate, and so much more. Even for patients that use medications, it is highly recommended that those pharmaceutical treatments are combined with psychotherapy to help manage depression in the long term. But depression is complex. It isn’t always “if we do this…

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Phone Addiction Therapy on Long Island with LICS

Phone Addiction Therapy on Long Island with LICS 2133 1199 Long Island Counseling Services

Learning to “Be Present” and Loving Life Free of Technology Phone addiction is a real addiction. While it may not “sound” as serious as alcohol or substance abuse, many people – from teens to adults – find that they are more depressed, less energetic, anxious, and unable to reach goals or have fulfilling relationships because of the dependency they have on their phones. Long Island Counseling Services has therapists that can help with not only…

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How Can Journaling Help with Anxiety?

How Can Journaling Help with Anxiety? 2406 1606 Long Island Counseling Services

Anxiety encompasses a range of mental health conditions characterized by excessive worry, fear, and apprehension. These feelings often lead to physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, sweating, and feelings of restlessness. For many, anxiety can significantly hinder daily functioning, affecting personal, social, and professional life. At its core, anxiety is a normal reaction to stress, serving as a warning system for potential threats. However, when these feelings become overwhelming and persistent, they may evolve…

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What it Means to Consistently Struggle Meeting Expectations

What it Means to Consistently Struggle Meeting Expectations 2560 1707 Long Island Counseling Services

Many people see children with ADHD and focus on the behavioral and academic difficulties. They work very hard to push these children to succeed. But it’s important for parents, caregivers, and educators to understand that children with ADHD are frequently dealing with all sorts of different struggles, and knowing these struggles – and how to address them – is going to be very important for making sure your child grows up emotionally and psychologically healthy.…

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