
Helping Your Child or Teen After a Traumatic Experience

Helping Your Child or Teen After a Traumatic Experience 150 150 Long Island Counseling Services

A traumatic experience can cause a period of intense stress, fear, and other challenging emotions. Because of the intensity of these feelings, the brain can struggle to process the event and holds onto these emotions to create ongoing emotional challenges after the event has passed. When these traumatic events happen to children or teens, the way that younger people experience and process them can be different from the way that adults do. Children are still…

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What Are Intrusive Thoughts?

What Are Intrusive Thoughts? 1920 1280 Long Island Counseling Services

Our brains are fascinating. We often like to think that we have control over our thoughts and our feelings. But the truth is that the thoughts we have are not always in our control, and there are situations where a person may have thoughts they do not want, with no explanation as to why they are occurring, and no easy way to stop them. We call these “intrusive thoughts.” Intrusive thoughts are a symptom of…

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How Anxiety Causes Physical Symptoms

How Anxiety Causes Physical Symptoms 150 150 Long Island Counseling Services

Anxiety disorders are often associated with feelings of worry, stress, and fear, but anxiety is not only a mental occurrence. It is also a physical one. This is true whether you are experiencing anxiety as a result of frightening or stressful events or you are dealing with an anxiety disorder that can often cause both mental and physical symptoms to occur when you may actually be safe. These physical symptoms of anxiety are a significant…

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